Monday, January 5, 2009

A Bright Green Year...

Happy 2009! It's a new year which is a great time to evaluate my family's actions and how to live greener in 2009. Here's my family's goals for this year:

1. Plant an organic garden this spring.

2. Use our clothesline more.

3. Hook our home theater system up to a Smartstrip.

4. Buy local whenever possible.

5. Check my tire pressure monthly to save money on tires and gas.

6. Train my husband to shut down the computer when he's done with it!

7. Shoes off at the door.

8. Limit purchases to those items we really need.

9. Get my daughter to take 5 minute showers.

10. Continue to educate others about the importance of going green and the simple changes they can make to live a little greener.

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